
Anvil Mobile partners with aql to bring land line numbers to 3G

Mobile telecommunications firm aql, along with innovative new MVNO Anvil Mobile, have announced a breakthrough in mobile communications by providing a new generation SIM with one or more land line numbers.

Any mobile phone using the aql and Anvil SIM will only be charged at their standard rate for calling a land line. Enterprises who regularly call employees on their mobile phones will make significant savings as the unpopular MTR (Mobile Termination Rate) will no longer apply.

The network coverage is provided by 3 UKm which claims coverage of approximately 98% of UK population and has the most mature 3G network in the UK.

Key features of the product include a child protection service to protect children from bullying, grooming and abuse. Unique software can identify characteristics which are typical of bullying behaviour alerting a parent via email or SMS to the potentially dangerous relationship.

Other features that can be added to the Anvil Mobile service include call and text recording, multiple device ringing, group calling and also more features in the pipeline. Anvil Mobile is also actively involved with M2M (machine to machine) applications involving remote monitoring, diagnostics and control of devices over the 3G mobile broadband network.

aql has a unique relationship with the 3 network in the UK, allowing it to build bespoke services and brands (as an MVNO) with an unmatched time to market. Anvil Mobile is one of the first MVNO’s to take advantage of this capability and managing director, Ian Philip, said: “aql is the most advanced Mobile Virtual Network Enabler and has a unique position in the UK. aql provides us with the robust, high capacity network to provide businesses with reliability as well as innovation.”