
Asiacell extends mobile connectivity services to across Iraq

Asiacell, a private Iraqi telecommunications company and the first mobile telecom company to provide coverage for all of Iraq, has announced rolling out mobile voice, broadband and SMS services across remote communities in Iraq using the Altobridge lite-site solution.

A satellite-backhauled, solar-powered, 2G/3G solution, the Altobridge lite-site enables mobile network operators to bring mobile connectivity to remote communities. Currently, the solution is being deployed in previously unconnected communities in Sulaimaniya in Northern Iraq.

“For over a decade, Asiacell has been pioneering the provision of products and services that enhance the quality of life and business for Iraqis. Telecommunications is the backbone of any progressive economy and is a key driver of socioeconomic growth, which is why we have made it our mission to ensure that telecom services are available to all Iraqis regardless of their location. Asiacell is the first telecom company to provide coverage for all 18 provinces, and to supply mobile voice, broadband and SMS services to remote communities that are not traditionally associated with revenue generating potential,” said Dr. Diar Ahmed, Asiacell CEO.

Dr. Ahmed went on to explain that the Altobridge lite-site is a cost-effective, energy-efficient solution that optimizes capital budgets while minimizing backhaul, making it an ideal choice for Asiacell’s plans towards efficiently expanding its nationwide coverage. “We are confident that by partnering with Altobridge, who are international mobile network solution leaders, we will enhance our ability to service the Iraqi community,” he said.

In turn, Mike Fitzgerald, Chief Executive Officer at Altobridge, said, “Mobile Network Operators are coming under increasing pressure to maximize their use of limited capital budgets. The Altobridge lite-site reduces capital expenditure and minimizes operational costs while providing superior coverage to targeted subscriber groups. Our solution is optimized for solar power, thereby removing the high cost barriers of diesel generators. Coupling this with industry leading transmission efficiency, Altobridge underwrites a return on investment from non-urban base station deployments. We are privileged to have been selected as a supplier to Asiacell and look forward to working together to drive prosperity throughout Iraq.”