
Excell Partners with netEvidence

Excell Group has partnered with netEvidence to offer and integrate the Highlight SaaS monitoring and reporting service across its cloud and connectivity products. As part of the end-to-end managed services it delivers to business clients, Excell will provide customers with Highlight’s technology supporting their business in real-time, 24/7.

Chris Attwood, Head of Marketing at Excell says, “With the rise in cloud computing, businesses are buying and running more and more services, inevitably from different providers, which means having to deal with multiple monitoring tools, logins, user interfaces and report formats. Our partnership with netEvidence will make everything much easier for our customers. Highlight is a powerful and simple way of monitoring how a customer’s technology is performing – in real time via a desktop computer, tablet or phone."

He adds, “Customers can now measure all the services they buy from Excell as well as from their other providers. Highlight delivers simple, clear business-level visibility into how their vital applications, infrastructure and services are performing. What makes it particularly powerful is that it is shareable within an organisation and with all the providers a business relies upon. With this single version of the truth, we can spot the exact location of any issues for a quick resolution, and most importantly, identify where issues are likely to occur before anyone suffers a problem.”

Highlight is fast to set up and easy to use. Simple heat tiles show in seconds how the technology is performing and whether an organisation is delivering to its customers and consumers.