
IBM and Sybase harness POWER7 for m-commerce appliance

IBM and Sybase, an SAP company, have continued their long standing collaboration with the introduction of a new workload optimised server appliance based on IBM's Power Systems family of servers.

The IBM m-commerce Appliance Solution is aimed at financial institutions, mobile operators and enterprises.

IBM's POWER7 processor is the energy efficient foundation for the new appliance, which is designed to enable rapid global deployment of the broadest mobile commerce capabilities, including m-banking, m-payments and m-remittance, in both developed and emerging markets.

The IBM m-commerce Appliance Solution, the industry's first integrated m-commerce solution, can also help customers to run smart banking business applications from mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones powered by iOS, Blackberry and Android operating systems.

Gartner estimates that by 2014 there will be more than 340 million mobile payment users worldwide, and that those users will do $245 billion in total transactions by 2014.

These new m-commerce solutions are individually configured, workload-optimised and tuned to provide clients high performance mobile business capabilities at lower costs. The IBM m-commerce Appliance Solution features IBM POWER7-based Power 750 servers running IBM DB2 information management software and IBM WebSphere software application server, IBM System Storage DS5300 and the end to end Sybase m-commerce 365 solution.

“The IBM m-commerce Appliance Solution on POWER7 technology, along with IBM middleware and IBM storage, is designed to meet the needs of our clients' most data-intensive applications,” said Tom Rosamilia, General Manager, IBM Power and z Systems. “The scope of these solutions helps us deliver a broad portfolio of offerings we are confident our clients will find compelling."

“The m-commerce appliance combines market-leading capabilities providing our customers with scalable, cost effective solutions that also generate new revenue opportunities by monetising mobile services,” said Dr. Raj Nathan, Sybase Executive Vice President and CMO. “IBM and Sybase’s 22 year relationship continues to bring our customers the very best of what each company has to provide.”

The IBM and Sybase m-commerce Appliance Solution can be deployed within days. It will be made available to customers on 13 May.