
Liquid Voice Upgrades Call Recording Platform

Liquid Voice has launched an upgrade to its Enterprise Call Recording platform that integrates real-time speech recognition, analytics and dashboard reporting to help organisations meet compliance, coaching and customer experience drivers.

“The last few years has seen a great deal of progress in natural speech recognition engines, fuelled in part by more powerful processors and demand from the consumer sector,” says Andy Barrett, Technical Director for Liquid Voice, “Our aim with the new version is to integrate all this technology into a contact centre environment where it can be used effectively to speed up processes such as complaint call detection, FSA compliance and effective agent training.”

The new 6.4 update to the Liquid Voice Enterprise Call Recording platform will include a number of optional features including deep integration with the AVAYA voice recognition engine and an automated tagging engine able to recognise user programmable phrases based around key business issues.

The new version also includes a real-time Dashboard to display key metrics and overall trends, “The new Dashboard goes beyond simple call durations and activity by allowing users to create the interface using a simple graphical editor and that includes actionable information gleaned from Speech Analytics and other third party applications,” explains Barrett, “For example, if you are in a regulated industry that requires certain phrases be repeated to callers, the speech engine can detect when these have not been delivered and tag them for later inspection. Another example could include the automatic detection of a complaint call which can be flagged in real-time on the Dashboard or trigger an alert to a line manager.”

Liquid Voice has also added a coaching feature to allow calls to be saved, annotated and shared for training purposes. The platform can also manage the process of distributing this teaching material through tracked links which also ensure that the recipient of the coaching material have listened to the entire call or the relevant portion. This system avoids the need to send sensitive material and large audio files over email which may travel outside of the control of the organisation.

“We have spent many months working on the new version and gathered feedback on many of the features from a number of beta customers, “explains Barrett, “The goal of this upgrade is to allow organisations to start adopting voice recognition in a way that provides real and identifiable business benefits. For example, one of our customers has a policy where each complaint call must be reviewed by a manager to ensure proper procedures have been followed. The Speech Analytics engine can effectively detect and queue the most relevant portions of the call more effectively than any equivalent manual process with a high degree of accuracy. In this case, the customer reported that a single manager can check three times as many calls in any given time period.”

Barrett believes that there are countless instances where the new version can provide benefits that deliver a tangible ROI, “The combination of integrated speech analytics, dashboards and open standards based integration technology we feel puts Liquid Voice ahead of the pack in terms of features and by offering the new version as an optional upgrade, it gives our customers the chance to test out the new capabilities with little capital outlay and no disruption to existing processes.”