
Local smartphone protection company passes 1 million license activation mark

Lancashire based BlackBelt SmartPhone Defence, the UK’s only dedicated smartphone data protection company has just passed its 1 millionth license activation mark.

Commenting on this, Errol Finkelstein - GM, said that there was strong focus on security at Mobile World Congress, Barcelona which he and colleagues had just attended. Several presentations emphasised that although the virus plague on smartphones has not yet reached the epidemic levels of PC malware, that mobile specific trojans, in particular, were of growing concern on the Android platform.

‘The growing number of financial apps. in use, makes deployment of anti-malware software a sensible step. Data security is all about layers of defence, and smartphone protection is no exception. The number of mobile carriers set to offer their users protection software this year is a further indication of the reality of the dangers.’

BlackBelt’s users are mainly based in the UK, Europe, the Far East and Asia.