
TeamViewer launches IoT Starter Kit

M2M & IoT
Implementing an IoT application without a time-consuming concept phase has always been an obstacle to adoption due to a high upfront investment, TeamViewer has now launched an IoT Starter Kit. With this do-it-yourself solution, businesses of any size can get started with IoT immediately.

“With our IoT Starter Kit, we enable our customers and partners to come up with their own IoT use cases and to experience how IoT can work for them,” says Alfredo Patron, Executive Vice President Business Development at TeamViewer. “Just walk into your factory, building or whatever you want to make smart and place the gateway and sensors and use our IoT solution. The sensors will immediately start collecting data regarding predefined parameters like vibration, temperature, or lighting condition and send them to the gateway and to our cloud. Now you can easily access this data via our software, set rules and alerts in the TeamViewer IoT Cloud and enable live remote device management at scale.”

Apart from a Dell gateway and Bosch sensors, the IoT Starter Kit uses TeamViewer’s dedicated IoT solution, which has been developed to provide remote monitoring, live remote control, incident management, and instant troubleshooting for virtually any embedded device such as industrial machinery or robots. By connecting the device data with TeamViewer’s cloud and making them available for technicians and support people, companies can manage their devices from everywhere in the world.