
The Security Guide - Security Threat Bigger Than Ever!

Comms Business is delighted to announce the inaugural Security Guide - A Channel Guide to Navigating the Security Landscape. In an age where the security threat has never been as high for businesses this guide will help Channel Partners understand where the threats are coming from and how to deal with them.

The rise of security threats is not just a minor inconvenience to businesses in 2017, it can be the fundamental factor in preventing a business becoming successful. However, the landscape is changing and the threats are now numerous. For criminals looking to exploit weaknesses in business world the opportunities are vast and the payoffs are potentially huge. Criminals are no longer focused solely on the enterprise end of the market, SMB’s are now at risk more than ever and with many businesses failing to deploy ANY protection they are considered ‘low hanging fruit’ for perpetrators. It is critical that resellers protect their customers, and by extension themselves, on a number of fronts.

In this guide we talk to a range of suppliers, vendors and distributors throughout the Channel ecosystem on the following topics:

•Cyber security

•Mobile device security

•Networks and Cloud security

•Phone hacking (SIP/ VoIP/ PBX etc.)

•GDPR rules and regulations (data management)

To view the guide click here.