
Top Ranking

South West Communications Group has been ranked number 39 in the 2006 Deloitte Technology Fast 50 (South), a ranking of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in southern England. Rankings are based on average percentage revenue growth over five years.

South West Communications Group’s Managing Director, Harry Langley, credits professionalism and tenacity with the company’s growth over the past five years. He said, "The unrelenting and increasing pace of technological change is destined to bring new methods to the way we work, learn and communicate. At South West Communications Group, we pride ourselves on our understanding of new technologies and their impact on business. Our commitment to remaining at the forefront of information technology and communications enables us to offer our customers the advice and solutions they seek."

“Being one of the fastest growing technology companies in the UK is an impressive accomplishment. We commend South West Communications Group for making the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 with a phenomenal growth rate over five years,” said Deloitte Technology partner for the Southern Region.