
UKFast Launches Security Package

In response to a rise in the cyber-threats faced by online businesses, technology firm UKFast is launching PROsecure – a comprehensive package of security services and solutions defending against each of the most common cyber-attack vectors.

According to recent government statistics, 46% of all UK businesses identified at least one cybersecurity breach or attack in the last 12 months. This rises to two-thirds among medium firms (66%) and large firms (68%).

Despite the rising threat, the government reports that nearly half of organisations have no formal basic technical controls across the key recommended areas. These areas include boundary firewalls and internet gateways, secure configurations, user access controls, malware protection and patch management.

UKFast CEO Lawrence Jones said: “The technology industry is working to help businesses stay secure in the face of increasingly sophisticated online threats. At UKFast we are continually upping investment in security to adapt to the changing landscape.

“Today, security is the single most important element of managing your environment online. ‘It won’t happen to me’ just isn’t an acceptable security policy.”

UKFast’s PROsecure package combines the latest technology products with in-house expertise, ensuring that threats to clients are identified, diagnosed and neutralised.

Included in the package are DDoS platform DDoSX, a WAF (web application firewall), Threat Monitoring and Threat Response, with UKFast clients having the opportunity to waive any setup costs.

Jones continued: “It makes perfect sense for businesses to bring their security arrangements and their hosting together under one roof. We've pioneered a range of security features within our managed services because, as a hosting provider, it's our responsibility to keep customers online wherever possible.

“We are delivering the full package of defence measures to close the support gap which occurs when multiple providers are involved, making our service faster and more cost-effective.”

UKFast’s commitment to developing security solutions for its clients has seen recent investment in new product lines alongside the acquisition of CHECK and CREST accredited cybersecurity firm Pentest Ltd by its security arm, Secarma.