
World’s smallest Voice and Music on Hold player?

Retell have launched what they believe to be the smallest voice and music on hold players available. With over 120 minutes (128mb memory) of on hold audio they boast almost double the capacity of current MOH devices. Using MP 3 technology the VGP 10 Lite and VGP 10 Pro Studio have no moving parts and will overcome many problems associated with crowded comms cabinets.

The VGP 10 Lite is pre loaded with three royalty free music tracks and three announcements allowing a quick and easy plug and play installation. The VGP 10 Pro Studio includes Studio software to mix a choice of eleven royalty free music tracks with up to fifteen on hold audio announcements. A customer’s own on hold message can be recorded and mixed with the royalty free music and then e mailed making the VGP 10 Pro ideal for branch offices requiring regular changes of message to announce special offers etc.

For customers too shy to record their own voice tracks a free trial of text to speech software (Gear2Voice) is included to enable text typed into a PC to be automatically converted to speech. The VGP 10 Pro has several language choices, looped music, inbuilt operating system and Power fail back up is included as standard. Prices will start at £179 SRP.