Editorial programme

Press releases can be submitted at any time and we always respect embargoes as these help us plan ahead. Submissions should ideally be shared as plain text in the body of an email, with a relevant landscape image. 


Upcoming Features

Responses to our forward features should be submitted to the editor by the deadline shown below. Submissions must be attributed to a spokesperson. 

All features will include thoughts from various stakeholders and are written by the Comms Business editorial team. As such, please do not send opinion pieces in response to our forward features as they are unlikely to be used.

Editorial input is considered based on the merit of the submission alone and is independent of all advertising or event spend with Comms Business or any of its related publications. This is not negotiable.

Further information on how to get your stories featured in Comms Business can be found here. Please do get in touch with any questions.


September 2024

Deadline: Wednesday 31 July 2024 16:00 BST


Wholesale voice in the all-IP era

The voice market is being transformed by the availability of next generation technologies, with the upcoming withdrawal of PSTN services also disrupting the market. We will explore wholesale voice services in the age of all-IP.

We will ask:

  • How is the wholesale voice market changing?
  • What do wholesale voice services look like in the age of all-IP?
  • What does the wholesale voice market look like in 12 months’ time? How about 5 years’ time?
  • What do these market changes mean for resellers and MSPs?

Submit to: charlotte.hathway@markallengroup.com


The modern workplace

What technologies are needed in the modern workplace? We are looking for insight into the software and hardware businesses are prioritising as they look to build working environments that set every employee up for success. 

We will ask:

  • How has the modern workplace changed in the last 12 months?
  • What do software and hardware providers need to do to adapt to these changes?
  • What technologies and platforms are most in demand?
  • How can MSPs, resellers and VARs deliver the best value through these products and services?
  • What key trends will shape the modern workplace over the next year?

Submit to: Alex.Wright@markallengroup.com



This feature will examine the IoT solutions that are being developed, deployed and managed by channel companies. We will look at how IoT technologies are evolving, how to develop offerings, and the key vendors to consider partnering with.

We will ask:

  • How is the IoT market changing?
  • What IoT solutions are in demand?
  • What opportunities are available to the Channel around the IoT?
  • How can resellers and MSPs identify the best IoT vendor partners for their business?
  • Case studies of IoT projects involving channel companies.

Submit to: charlotte.hathway@markallengroup.com



2024 features, supplements and focus months

Month Feature #1 Feature #2 Feature #3 Supplement
January The future of the Channel Fit To Switch: Getting the nation behind the switch-off Selling in 2024  
February The as-a-service era Hardware and distribution Vertical: Transport and logistics  
March Channel Live Preview The circular economy Uninterruptible power Channel Profiles
April UC and CC: blurring boundaries Channel consultancy services: bringing in the experts Vertical: Financial services and banking  
May AI and its impact on the Channel Billing and monetisation solutions Tackling the skills challenge  
June Building an ESG strategy Mobile opportunities Vertical: Local government Business Comms guide
July-August Adding value with Microsoft Local and trusted providers Data services  
September Wholesale voice in the all-IP era The modern workplace IoT Connecting Gigabit Britain
October Cloud services: building an offering White label success Mental health in the Channel  
November Wholesalers: what should resellers and MSPs look for? Call and contact centres Vertical: Retail  
December Preview of 2025 Cybersecurity PSTN countdown: one year to go  

All 2024 synopses are available if you email the team.

Articles in bold are focus months where the topic is expanded on in additional content and advertising on digital weekly newsletters (x 4 to 16,000+ recipients) and news stories on Comms Business website over the whole month. This additional content allows for brand visibility and elevation as a thought leader; involvement in these and extra digital activities to enable lead generation are at a cost. For more information please contact mat.swift@markallengroup.com or call 07919 177099, or moh.lalani@markallengroup.com or call 07766 081822.