
Lease Group marks 10 years of serving the Channel

Lease Group has been serving the Channel with its white-labelled online leasing solution for a decade.

The Hove-based equipment financier will be celebrating the milestone with its 1,000-strong partner base throughout the year.

Founders James Phillips and Simon Fabb launched the leasing solution to the telecoms channel in 2014, supporting B2B mobile dealers with a finance offering aimed at alleviating cash-flow challenges when bank-rolling top-end mobile devices and tablets.

Following an exclusive agreement with Vodafone, plus arrangements with mobile hardware and airtime distributors, the company grew its channel to more than 500 mobile and telecoms resellers by the end of 2016.

The company now supports more than 1,000 channel partners directly, offering leasing solutions on a breadth of equipment and technologies, including VoIP, IT, audio visual and energy renewables.

"Growth and longevity has been attributed to a number of factors," said Fabb. "The everything-as-a-service model, hikes in business costs, plus the increase in flexibility from lenders to fund everything on one simple lease agreement have all played their role. Advances in banking technologies have also helped, with it now being easier than ever for suppliers to incorporate finance at point of sale.

"We believe we are market-leaders at putting these finance technologies at the fingertips of suppliers."

Phillips said, "Cash-flow has always been king, but now more than ever. As an accountant, I'm acutely aware of the importance of cash-flow. Serving businesses with the latest technologies is only half of the challenge, paying for it over its working life is just as important. By making finance easy to administer, we help suppliers across multiple sectors win clients by offering repayment plans that are sympathetic to financial constraints.

"Over the past 10 years, it feels as though UK businesses are catching up with the mentality of businesses in the United States and Europe, who favour leveraging a third-party’s balance sheet over using their own."

Lease Group actively supports suppliers in six sectors, with a keen focus on green assets.

The financier is celebrating its anniversary with an incentive offering up to £1,000 per salesperson per order and will be hosting a series of partner events in London this year.

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